Department Store Makes Switch to Meet Higher Recovery Standards
Learn how Recovery Point uses Carbonite for x86 and Global Mirror for AIX to meet the clients need for higher failover software.
The client is a Mid-Atlantic based department store with a revenue of $1.5 billion as of 2021. The client was previously with Sungard Availability Services, but made the switch to Recovery Point to meet higher recovery standards with faster recovery times.
This client has the most VLANs out of any of Recovery Point’s clients, with close to 200 VLANs that need support. For security purposes, the client required different servers and subnets, in the event that if one server gets compromised, it would be harder to get hacked. The client also needed to improve their Recovery Time Objective and Recovery Point Objective for Windows, AIX, and Mainframe to meet higher recovery standards.
Recovery Point had kickoff meetings with the client to discuss how many VMs and how much data the client required.
The client then got a rack in RPS’s hosted data center, brought their network and server equipment to the data center, and installed a Centurylink circuit there to allow for more bandwidth for the data to enter RPS’s building.
Recovery Point Systems stored Veeam replicas for mission critical systems, which sit dormant ready to be powered on when needed. RPS provided the client with Tier 2, 3, and 4 Veeam backups. The client also uses Recovery Point’s Carbonite solution for the Windows servers and Global Mirror with instant recovery for the AIX systems, thus meeting the client’s need for higher failover software for Windows for AIX systems.
Recovery Point’s side within minutes. This solution is always up-to-date and replicates the client’s system to Recovery Point’s side, enabling quicker recovery for Mainframe. Replicas for the client are now very quick: within 10-15 minutes, all of the client’s servers can be up and running.