Large Insurance Company Stays Up and Running with Multi-Site Replication

Learn how Recovery Point helped a large insurance company stay up and running with multi-site replication tailored to meet their backup needs.

  • Overview

    The client is a large insurance company located in the Midwest, with an annual revenue of about $285 million. Prior to arriving at Recovery Point Systems, the client was with IBM for Zerto, but soon found themselves dissatisfied with IBM’s limited testing options and poor responsiveness. The client considered switching to AWS, but RPS informed them that with AWS does not use VMware, therefore failovers convert to Amazon virtual software, a process which could take hours or even days, along with a large cost for the conversion. The client recognized AWS as an inferior, more expensive product, and decided to switch over to Recovery Point Systems.

  • Challenge

    The client’s main challenge was needing to back up a large amount of data. For backups alone the client had a month-worth of backups, totaling at 420 TB. The VM size was 275 TB. Recovery Point faced some difficulties getting the data to Recover Point servers and keeping it current every day. The client had 3 data centers: their corporate data center, an additional external data center, and Recovery Point’s network, and had to communicate between all three. The client initially did not get the correct licensing, so the solution provided was sized around l0G B, but were only granted 2.5 GB.

    Since Recovery Point did not have access to the client’s network, the client was required to update their licensing size. Once we got the right throughput and the right bandwidth, the backups were able to be completed and we were able to implement our solutions.

  • Solution

    Once Recovery Point corrected the bandwidth, replication became much better, and the client was able to save money by taking half of the VMs and replicating to Veeam, and half to Zerto. The client did not need a low RPO on all VMs, just some, so Recovery Point provided the client with Zerto for Tier l (RTO <4 hours). as well as 8-24 hour category in Tiers 2 and 3.

    Recovery Point also provided the client with Mainframe global mirror. The service includes continuous data protection (CDP), cloud storage and on-demand IBM Power Systems recovery infrastructure to deliver near zero Recovery Point performance. This is a highly scalable, asynchronous storage replication solution that provides data integrity and data consistency without performance impact on the applications at the primary site.

  • Results

    Since the client had so much data and the virtual servers could not keep up, RPS provided the client with physical servers. In addition, RPS provides the client with multi-site replication, and there is no downtime between switching, keeping the client up and running at all times.

    Overall, Recovery Point’s solution was able to save the client money, and their solution is now tailored to meet all their backup and replication needs.

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